Ebenezer DYER was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Phoebe SMITH. Phoebe SMITH and Ebenezer DYER were married on 6 November 1766.

Flossie EASTMAN was born on 1 June 1898 in Lyman, New Hampshire. She died on 28 September 1992 at the age of 94 in Fitchburg, Massachusetts.

Spouse: Ellison W WHYNOT. Flossie EASTMAN and Ellison W WHYNOT were married on 19 March 1912 in Lisbon, New Hampshire.

Spouse: Frank Edward LEONARD. Flossie EASTMAN and Frank Edward LEONARD were married on 12 June 1915 in Newbury, Orange County, Vermont.

Lillie EAVES was born on 19 January 1871. She died on 9 August 1948 at the age of 77. She was buried in the Memory Park Cemetery in Longview, Harrison County, Texas.

Spouse: Rufus Henry WHYNOT. Lillie EAVES and Rufus Henry WHYNOT were married on 15 March 1892 in Chelsea, Massachusetts. Children were: Jennie Alice WHYNOT.

Laurence EBERT was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Rose Ella HATT. Rose Ella HATT and Laurence EBERT were married on 29 April 1925 in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living.

Catherine EDGECOMB was born on 9 June 1821. She died on 17 May 1910 at the age of 88 in Bath, Maine. She was buried in Bath, Maine.

Spouse: George VAUGHAN. Catherine EDGECOMB and George VAUGHAN were married on 13 July 1845.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Caroline EDWARDS was born in 1849. She died on 26 August 1875 at the age of 26 in Voglers Cove, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia.

Spouse: Jeffery MASON. Caroline EDWARDS and Jeffery MASON were married on 6 October 1869.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Jean EDWARDS was born (date unknown).

Spouse: James WILKIE. Jean EDWARDS and James WILKIE were married in 1762.

Mary Ann EDWARDS was born in 1826 in Pope's Harbour, Halifax County, Nova Scotia. She died on 20 May 1880 at the age of 54 in Pope's Harbour, Halifax County, Nova Scotia.

Spouse: George MASON. Mary Ann EDWARDS and George MASON were married on 13 January 1851 in Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia. Children were: Thomas MASON.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living.

Anna Barbara EICHEL was born on 6 February 1825. She died on 25 November 1889 at the age of 64 in Middlefield, Queens County, Nova Scotia. Parents: Johannes EICHEL and Catherine Margaret ROBAR.

Spouse: James Simon WEINACHT. Anna Barbara EICHEL and James Simon WEINACHT were married. Children were: Caroline WHYNOT, Susanna WHYNOT, Mary Louisa WHYNOT, James Ephraim WHYNOT, John Ambrose WHYNOT, Lydia Ann WHYNOT, Elizabeth WHYNOT, Henry WHYNOT, Charles Reuben WHYNOT, James Samuel WHYNOT.

Benjamin EICHEL was born on 23 May 1812. Parents: Johannes EICHEL and Catherine Margaret ROBAR.

Spouse: Mary Matilda KRAUSS. Mary Matilda KRAUSS and Benjamin EICHEL were married on 26 January 1843. Children were: Philip Solomon OICKLE, Cassandra OICKLE.

Caroline EICHEL was born on 7 July 1819. She died on 2 April 1904 at the age of 84 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She was buried in the Trinity Anglican Church Cemetery in Liverpool. Parents: Johannes EICHEL and Catherine Margaret ROBAR.

Spouse: John Adam WEINACHT. Caroline EICHEL and John Adam WEINACHT were married. Children were: James Stephen WHYNOT, Joseph Isaiah WHYNOT, Ann Louisa WHYNOT, Mary Matilda WHYNOT.

Catherine Elizabeth EICHEL was born on 24 November 1792. Parents: Johann George EICHEL and Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER.

Spouse: Johann Michael MORASCH. Catherine Elizabeth EICHEL and Johann Michael MORASCH were married on 31 October 1809.

David EICHEL was born on 22 April 1817. Parents: Johannes EICHEL and Catherine Margaret ROBAR.

Spouse: Mary Ann CROFT. Mary Ann CROFT and David EICHEL were married on 26 February 1846 in Bridgewater, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Children were: William Frederick OICKLE, Louisa OICKLE, Mary Lavinia OICKLE, Margaret Ann "Maggie" OICKLE.

Elizabeth EICHEL was born on 25 May 1804. Parents: Johannes EICHEL and Catherine Margaret ROBAR.

Spouse: Thomas WEAGLE. Elizabeth EICHEL and Thomas WEAGLE were married on 5 November 1829. Children were: Cyrus WEAGLE, Catherine Elizabeth WEAGLE, Mary Ann WEAGLE.

George EICHEL was born on 6 November 1790. He died on 3 March 1801 at the age of 10. Parents: Johann George EICHEL and Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER.

George EICHEL was born on 2 November 1808. He died He was killed by a falling tree. on 24 April 1826 at the age of 17. Parents: Johann George EICHEL and Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER.

George Frederick EICHEL was born on 4 August 1787. He died in October 1866 at the age of 79. Parents: Johann George EICHEL and Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER.

Spouse: Susanna Elizabeth WEINACHT. Susanna Elizabeth WEINACHT and George Frederick EICHEL were married on 26 December 1809. Children were: Sophia OICKLE, Anna OICKLE, Susanna Elizabeth OICKLE, Elias OICKLE.

Spouse: Marie Elizabeth CARVER. Marie Elizabeth CARVER and George Frederick EICHEL were married.

George Frederick EICHEL was born on 15 January 1809. Parents: Johannes EICHEL and Catherine Margaret ROBAR.

Hannah Magdalene EICHEL was born on 21 November 1805. Parents: Johann George EICHEL and Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER.

Spouse: George Christopher VEINOT. Hannah Magdalene EICHEL and George Christopher VEINOT were married on 19 July 1825.

Spouse: Jacob SPEIDEL. Hannah Magdalene EICHEL and Jacob SPEIDEL were married.

Jacob Frederick EICHEL was born on 20 April 1806. He died on 16 August 1816 at the age of 10. Parents: Johannes EICHEL and Catherine Margaret ROBAR.

James Frederick EICHEL was born on 28 September 1797 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. He died in May 1868 at the age of 70 in Pleasant River, Queens County, Nova Scotia. Parents: Johann George EICHEL and Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER.

Spouse: Susanna Catherine VEINOT. Susanna Catherine VEINOT and James Frederick EICHEL were married on 9 July 1822 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Children were: Sophia OICKLE, James OICKLE, Mary OICKLE, Edmund OICKLE.

Johan Nicholas EICHEL was born on 6 September 1795. He died on 30 September 1837 at the age of 42. Parents: Johann George EICHEL and Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER.

Spouse: Mary Magdalene VEINOT. Mary Magdalene VEINOT and Johan Nicholas EICHEL were married on 16 September 1817. Children were: John Peter OICKLE, Edward OICKLE, Charles OICKLE, Simeon OICKLE.

Johan Peter EICHEL was born on 17 December 1801. He died in 1845 at the age of 44. He was buried in the St. John in the Wilderness Cemetery in New Germany. Parents: Johann George EICHEL and Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER.

Spouse: Maria Sarah BERRY. Maria Sarah BERRY and Johan Peter EICHEL were married on 30 December 1823. Children were: Sophia OICKLE, John Paulus OICKLE, Lucy Ann OICKLE, Catherine Elizabeth OICKLE, Asaph OICKLE.

Johann George EICHEL was born in 1755 in Germany. He died on 13 September 1830 at the age of 75 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia.

Spouse: Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER. Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER and Johann George EICHEL were married on 29 August 1784. Children were: Johannes EICHEL, George Frederick EICHEL, Mary Elizabeth EICHEL, George EICHEL, Catherine Elizabeth EICHEL, Johan Nicholas EICHEL, James Frederick EICHEL, Maria Catherine EICHEL, Johan Peter EICHEL, Mary Catherine EICHEL, Hannah Magdalene EICHEL, George EICHEL, Paulus EICHEL.

Johann George EICHEL was born on 18 September 1807. He died on 30 January 1887 at the age of 79. Parents: Johannes EICHEL and Catherine Margaret ROBAR.

Spouse: Maria Elizabeth WEAGLE. Maria Elizabeth WEAGLE and Johann George EICHEL were married on 20 October 1831. Children were: George Zenas OICKLE, James William OICKLE, Lucy Ann OICKLE, Eleanor Caroline OICKLE, George OICKLE, David OICKLE, Mary Elizabeth OICKLE, George William OICKLE, Cassandra Augusta OICKLE.

Johannes EICHEL was born on 11 May 1785. He died on 27 April 1851 at the age of 65. Parents: Johann George EICHEL and Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER.

Spouse: Catherine Margaret ROBAR. Catherine Margaret ROBAR and Johannes EICHEL were married on 21 December 1803. Children were: Elizabeth EICHEL, Jacob Frederick EICHEL, Johann George EICHEL, George Frederick EICHEL, Susannah Elizabeth EICHEL, Benjamin EICHEL, Lucy EICHEL, William EICHEL, David EICHEL, Caroline EICHEL, Thomas Henry EICHEL, Sarah Ann EICHEL, Anna Barbara EICHEL.

Lucy EICHEL was born on 19 December 1813. She died on 9 February 1877 at the age of 63 in Middlefield, Queens County, Nova Scotia. Parents: Johannes EICHEL and Catherine Margaret ROBAR.

Spouse: Charles DEMONE. Lucy EICHEL and Charles DEMONE were married on 15 October 1840. Children were: Mary Anne DEMONE, Elizabeth Adelaide DEMONE.

Maria Catherine EICHEL was born on 20 November 1799. She died on 16 March 1801 at the age of 1. Parents: Johann George EICHEL and Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER.

Mary Catherine EICHEL was born on 20 July 1803. Parents: Johann George EICHEL and Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER.

Spouse: Johan Frederick ROBAR. Mary Catherine EICHEL and Johan Frederick ROBAR were married on 4 June 1822 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Children were: Louisa ROBAR, David ROBAR, Josiah ROBAR, Maria Elizabeth ROBAR.

Mary Elizabeth EICHEL was born on 19 June 1789. Parents: Johann George EICHEL and Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER.

Spouse: John Peter LOWE. Mary Elizabeth EICHEL and John Peter LOWE were married on 9 December 1807. Children were: Mary Ann LOWE, Sophia LOWE.

Paulus EICHEL was born on 14 August 1810. He died on 3 September 1847 at the age of 37. Parents: Johann George EICHEL and Maria Elizabeth BOUTILIER.

Spouse: Maria Sophia ROBAR. Maria Sophia ROBAR and Paulus EICHEL were married on 6 March 1834.

Sarah Ann EICHEL was born on 13 January 1824. She died on 9 April 1824 at the age of 0. Parents: Johannes EICHEL and Catherine Margaret ROBAR.