Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Adeliza , [twin] O'NEILL was born on 14 April 1806 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. Adelia, twin, was born at five minutes past one o'clock in the morning. Parents: Henry , [Neal, Neill] O'NEILL and Mary PARK.

Charlotte Park , [twin] O'NEILL was born on 14 April 1806 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She died on 6 July 1837 at the age of 31 in Port Medway, Queens County, Nova Scotia. Charlotte, a twin, was born at thirteen minutes past one o'clock in the morning. Parents: Henry , [Neal, Neill] O'NEILL and Mary PARK.

Henry , [Neal, Neill] O'NEILL was born about 1775 in County Kilkenny, Northern Ireland. He died in February 1846 at the age of 71. He was lost at sea. Henry O'Neill Sr. was lost at sea on a voyage to the West Indies. There is however a gravestone to him in the Old Port Medway Cemetery.

Spouse: Mary PARK. Mary PARK and Henry , [Neal, Neill] O'NEILL were married on 2 November 1802 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Children were: James O'NEILL, Rebecca Park O'NEILL, Adeliza , [twin] O'NEILL, Charlotte Park , [twin] O'NEILL, Henry , Jr. O'NEILL, Thomas O'NEILL, John O'NEILL.

Henry , Jr. O'NEILL was born in 1808 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. He died in February 1846 at the age of 38 in lost at sea. Parents: Henry , [Neal, Neill] O'NEILL and Mary PARK.

James O'NEILL was born about 1802 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. He died on 26 February 1827 at the age of 25 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. He was buried in the Old Cemetery in Port Medway. Parents: Henry , [Neal, Neill] O'NEILL and Mary PARK.

James Thomas O'NEILL was born on 2 December 1853. He died on 14 September 1920 at the age of 66 in Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia. He was buried in the Greenwood Cemetery in Port Medway. Parents: Thomas O'NEILL and Deliah MCVICAR.

Spouse: Matilda MANTHORNE. Matilda MANTHORNE and James Thomas O'NEILL were married on 7 June 1879 in Mill Village, Queens County, Nova Scotia. They were divorced.

Spouse: Patience Desire MANTHORNE. Patience Desire MANTHORNE and James Thomas O'NEILL were married on 22 November 1913 in Port Medway, Queens County, Nova Scotia.

John O'NEILL was born on 30 May 1815 in Port Medway, Queens County, Nova Scotia. He died on 11 November 1838 at the age of 23 in Port Medway, Queens County, Nova Scotia. He was buried in the Old Cemetery in Port Medway. Parents: Henry , [Neal, Neill] O'NEILL and Mary PARK.

Patrick Munroe O'NEILL was born on 1 July 1889. He died on 9 April 1985 at the age of 95 in Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia. He was buried in the Old Our Lady of Sorrows Cemetery in Portuguese Cove, Halifax County.

Spouse: Adele Gertrude SUTHERLAND. Adele Gertrude SUTHERLAND and Patrick Munroe O'NEILL were married.

Rebecca Park O'NEILL was born on 30 October 1803 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She died on 30 May 1827 at the age of 23 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She was buried in the Old Cemetery in Port Medway. Parents: Henry , [Neal, Neill] O'NEILL and Mary PARK.

Thomas O'NEILL was born about 1809 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. He died on 29 May 1854 at the age of 45 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. He was buried in the Old Cemetery in Port Medway. Parents: Henry , [Neal, Neill] O'NEILL and Mary PARK.

Spouse: Deliah MCVICAR. Deliah MCVICAR and Thomas O'NEILL were married. Children were: James Thomas O'NEILL.

Maureen Kathleen O'ROURKE was born on 2 December 1928 in Acton, Halton Hills, Halton County, Ontario. She died on 3 July 2006 at the age of 77 in Etobicoke, Toronto, Ontario. She was cremated. Maureen was buried at the Meadowvale Cemetery in Brampton, Peel County, Ontario.

Spouse: Charles Clifton Clifford CHARLTON. Maureen Kathleen O'ROURKE and Charles Clifton Clifford CHARLTON were married. Children were: Barbara Anne CHARLTON, Colleen Elizabeth CHARLTON, Living, Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Ann O` KILLEY was born in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Parents: David O` KILLEY and Anna BILLS.

Spouse: Jonathan CHASE. Ann O` KILLEY and Jonathan CHASE were married on 9 June 1739.

Benjamin O` KILLEY was born in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Parents: David O` KILLEY and Jane POWELL.

Spouse: Mary LUMBART. Mary LUMBART and Benjamin O` KILLEY were married on 2 August 1709.

Spouse: Lydia KILLEY. Lydia KILLEY and Benjamin O` KILLEY were married.

Charity O` KILLEY was born on 6 December 1695 in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Parents: David O` KILLEY and Anna BILLS.

Spouse: PEASE. Charity O` KILLEY and PEASE were married.

Spouse: Jeremiah O` KILLEY. Charity O` KILLEY and Jeremiah O` KILLEY were married on 8 August 1716 in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts.

Spouse: Isaac CHASE. Charity O` KILLEY and Isaac CHASE were married on 3 October 1727.

David O` KILLEY was born in 1645 in Ireland. He died on 10 February 1696 at the age of 51 in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Parents: Mac Teige O` KILLIA and Anna DALY.

Spouse: Jane POWELL. Jane POWELL and David O` KILLEY were married. Children were: Jeremiah O` KILLEY, David O` KILLEY, John O` KILLEY, Benjamin O` KILLEY, Elizabeth O` KILLEY, Sarah O'KILLEY, Joseph O` KILLEY.

David O` KILLEY was born in 1672 in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. He died in 1697 at the age of 25 in Eastham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Parents: David O` KILLEY and Jane POWELL.

Spouse: Anna BILLS. Anna BILLS and David O` KILLEY were married on 10 March 1692. Children were: Charity O` KILLEY, Ann O` KILLEY.

Elizabeth O` KILLEY was born in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Parents: David O` KILLEY and Jane POWELL.

Spouse: Silas SEARS. Elizabeth O` KILLEY and Silas SEARS were married on 1 May 1707.

Jeremiah O` KILLEY was born on 8 May 1670 in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. He died on 30 August 1728 at the age of 58 in West Dennis, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Parents: David O` KILLEY and Jane POWELL.

Spouse: Sarah CHASE. Sarah CHASE and Jeremiah O` KILLEY were married in 1688 in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Children were: Jeremiah O` KILLEY.

Jeremiah O` KILLEY was born on 6 June 1691 in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. He died in 1727 at the age of 36. Parents: Jeremiah O` KILLEY and Sarah CHASE.

Spouse: Charity O` KILLEY. Charity O` KILLEY and Jeremiah O` KILLEY were married on 8 August 1716 in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts.

John O` KILLEY died on 26 October 1693. He was born in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Parents: David O` KILLEY and Jane POWELL.

Spouse: Bashura LEWIS. Bashura LEWIS and John O` KILLEY were married on 10 August 1690.

Joseph O` KILLEY was born in Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Parents: David O` KILLEY and Jane POWELL.

Mac Teige O` KILLIA was born in 1619 in Ireland.

Spouse: Anna DALY. Anna DALY and Mac Teige O` KILLIA were married in 1640 in Ireland. Children were: David O` KILLEY.

Ella O OAKLEY was born on 25 February 1860. She died on 10 December 1949 at the age of 89. She was buried in the Evans Cemetery in Gorham Coos County, New Hampshire.

Spouse: Edward SHUPE. Ella O OAKLEY and Edward SHUPE were married.

Allison Geraldine OAKS was born in 1926 in Bridgewater, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. She died on 18 August 2008 at the age of 82 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. She was buried in the Christ Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery in Camperdown.

Spouse: Merle Kenneth (twin) NAUGLER. Allison Geraldine OAKS and Merle Kenneth (twin) NAUGLER were married.

Living (private). Parents: Richard A. OATWAY and Barbara M. WOLFE.

Spouse: Daniel MCGREW. Children were: Living, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Richard A. OATWAY and Barbara M. WOLFE.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

Richard A. OATWAY was born on 9 June 1929. He died on 16 August 1999 at the age of 70 in Harverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts.

Spouse: Barbara M. WOLFE. Barbara M. WOLFE and Richard A. OATWAY were married. Children were: Living, Living.

Priscilla OBER was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Benjamin LOVETT. Priscilla OBER and Benjamin LOVETT were married on 18 May 1729 in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts.

Catherine Ann OBERMAN was born (date unknown).

Spouse: John Philip MEHLMAN. Catherine Ann OBERMAN and John Philip MEHLMAN were married on 2 May 1846. Children were: Freeman Tupper MAILMAN.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Susan Elizabeth ODEFFE was born on 21 April 1947. She died on 25 August 2019 at the age of 72 at the Trillium Health Partners in Mississauga, Ontario.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living.

Ada OICKLE was born on 22 March 1858. She died on 2 April 1947 at the age of 89 in Bridgewater, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. She was buried in the Maple Grove Cemetery in Chelsea. Parents: James OICKLE and Mary Ann WEAGLE.

Spouse: William MEHLMAN. Ada OICKLE and William MEHLMAN were married on 9 April 1884 in Bridgewater, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Children were: Walter Edmund MAILMAN, Cecil Allan MAILMAN.

Albert Henry OICKLE was born on 3 November 1878 in Bridgewater, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. He died on 26 September 1970 at the age of 91 in New Germany, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. He was buried in the Brookside Cemetery in Bridgewater. Parents: Philip Solomon OICKLE and Sophia Elizabeth JOUDREY.

Spouse: Belle LESLIE. Belle LESLIE and Albert Henry OICKLE were married on 12 April 1901 in Bridgewater, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia.

Spouse: Stella Dinora HUBLEY. Stella Dinora HUBLEY and Albert Henry OICKLE were married. Children were: Donald Henry OICKLE.

Alfred St. Clair OICKLE was born in 1939 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. He died on 21 October 2009 at the age of 70 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. He was buried in the Trinity Anglican Church Cemetery in Liverpool. Parents: George Herbert OICKLE and Violet Rosetta SCHRADER.

Spouse: Living.

Alzoney S OICKLE was born on 15 March 1864. He died on 28 January 1938 at the age of 73. Parents: George OICKLE and Ada R. ROBAR.

Spouse: Lillian Cecilia SHEFFER. Lillian Cecilia SHEFFER and Alzoney S OICKLE were married on 12 June 1884 in Milton, Queens County, Nova Scotia. Children were: Edward Crosby OICKLE.

Amanda OICKLE was born on 1 September 1865. She died on 13 March 1957 at the age of 91 in Hebbs Cross, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. She was buried in Conquerall Mills, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Parents: James OICKLE and Mary Ann WEAGLE.

Spouse: Alonzo WEAGLE. Amanda OICKLE and Alonzo WEAGLE were married on 25 January 1888 in Bridgewater, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Children were: Ida Evelyn WEAGLE.

Amelia OICKLE was born on 8 May 1873 in Milton, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She died on 3 July 1950 at the age of 77 in Milton, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She was buried in the Milton Community Cemetery. Parents: George OICKLE and Ada R. ROBAR.

Spouse: Augustus MCKINNON. Amelia OICKLE and Augustus MCKINNON were married on 25 December 1916 in Milton, Queens County, Nova Scotia.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Anna OICKLE was born on 25 February 1820. She died in 1906 at the age of 86 in Bangs Falls, Queens County, Nova Scotia. Parents: George Frederick EICHEL and Susanna Elizabeth WEINACHT.

Spouse: Abraham Casper (twin) JOUDREY. Anna OICKLE and Abraham Casper (twin) JOUDREY were married on 22 April 1841. Children were: John Frederick JOUDREY, George Edward JOUDREY.