Emma Alfretta MACDONALD was born on 22 February 1879. She died on 14 September 1964 at the age of 85. She was buried in the Beachbrook Cemetery in Gloucester, Massachusetts.

Spouse: Edward Haliburton NOWE. Emma Alfretta MACDONALD and Edward Haliburton NOWE were married on 22 April 1897 in Fox Creek, Queens County, Nova Scotia.

Enid Yuland MACDONALD was born on 10 September 1929 in Sandy Cove, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She died on 22 September 1999 at the age of 70 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She was buried in the New Charleston Cemetery. Enid was cremated. Parents: Douglas Parker MACDONALD and Edith Blanche (twin) ANTHONY.

Spouse: Basil William RAFUSE. Enid Yuland MACDONALD and Basil William RAFUSE were married. Children were: Marie Yuland RAFUSE, Basil Atwood RAFUSE, Living, Living, Living.

Eric Grant MACDONALD was born on 9 December 1931 in Harrigan Cove, Halifax County, Nova Scotia. He died on 9 May 2017 at the age of 85 in Cole Harbour, Halifax County, Nova Scotia. He was cremated. Eric was buried at St. Mary's Anglican Church Cemetery in Harrigan Cove, Halifax County, Nova Scotia.

Spouse: Maureen Theresa BOYLE. Maureen Theresa BOYLE and Eric Grant MACDONALD were married in 1958. Children were: Living, Living, Living, Living, Ehtel Grace MACDONALD.

Living (private). Parents: Eric Grant MACDONALD and Maureen Theresa BOYLE.

Harold Enslie MACDONALD was born in 1931. He died on 3 February 2018 at the age of 87 in Bridgewater, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. He was buried in the Brookside Cemetery in Bridgewater.

Spouse: Catherine Yvonne ZWICKER. Catherine Yvonne ZWICKER and Harold Enslie MACDONALD were married.

Spouse: Marie Elizabeth BEATON. Marie Elizabeth BEATON and Harold Enslie MACDONALD were married.

Hudson MACDONALD was born on 16 December 1895 in Stonehurst, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. He died on 4 April 1953 at the age of 57 in Stonehurst, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. He was buried in Blue Rocks, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Parents: James MACDONALD and Mary Ann Hannah TANNER.

Spouse: Etta Maria SELIG. Etta Maria SELIG and Hudson MACDONALD were married on 11 June 1918 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia.

James MACDONALD was born on 22 October 1848 in Stonehurst, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. He died on 15 March 1930 at the age of 81 in Stonehurst, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. He was buried in Blue Rocks, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Parents: John William MACDONALD and Sophia Elizabeth TANNER.

Spouse: Mary Ann Hannah TANNER. Mary Ann Hannah TANNER and James MACDONALD were married on 19 February 1874 in Lunenburg, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Children were: Hudson MACDONALD.

James MACDONALD was born on 14 May 1859.

Spouse: Isabella Jane WADMAN. Isabella Jane WADMAN and James MACDONALD were married on 16 October 1877.

James A MACDONALD was born in 1882 in Massachusetts.

Spouse: Bertha GRIFFEN. Bertha GRIFFEN and James A MACDONALD were married on 8 February 1909 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts.

James W F MACDONALD was born in 1875 in Pictou County, Nova Scotia.

Spouse: Mary Eliza HOSIE. Mary Eliza HOSIE and James W F MACDONALD were married on 19 November 1910 in Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.

Jerome MACDONALD was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Marion Elizabeth OICKLE. Marion Elizabeth OICKLE and Jerome MACDONALD were married.

John Francis MACDONALD was born on 19 October 1932. He died in 1992 at the age of 60.

Spouse: Living.

John William MACDONALD was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Sophia Elizabeth TANNER. Sophia Elizabeth TANNER and John William MACDONALD were married on 4 May 1837. Children were: Anna Elizabeth MACDONALD, James MACDONALD.

Lillian MACDONALD was born in 1922. She died in 1997 at the age of 75. She was buried in the Mill Village Community Cemetery. Lillian was cremated.

Spouse: Ernest Cedric NAUSS. Children were: Living.

Malcolm Sylvester MACDONALD was born on 17 January 1907 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. He died on 9 June 1965 at the age of 58 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. He was buried in the West Zion United Church Cemetery on Payzant Street in Liverpool.

Spouse: Mary Eliza SELIG. Mary Eliza SELIG and Malcolm Sylvester MACDONALD were married on 16 July 1933 in Mill Village, Queens County, Nova Scotia.

Marion Elizabeth MACDONALD was born on 13 November 1919 in Sandy Bay, Nova Scotia. She died on 10 March 2017 at the age of 97 at Embassy Hall in Quispamsis, New Brunswick. Parents: William James MACDONALD and Jessie Evelyn ARTHUR.

Spouse: James Cecil BROWN. Marion Elizabeth MACDONALD and James Cecil BROWN were married on 14 August 1950. Children were: Living, Living.

Marion Odessa MACDONALD was born in June 1903. She died on 30 June 1949 at the age of 46 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She was buried in the West Zion United Church Cemetery on Payzant Street in Liverpool.

Spouse: Charles Walter SARTY. Marion Odessa MACDONALD and Charles Walter SARTY were married on 2 March 1924. Children were: Wallace Wellington SARTY.

Living (private). Parents: Eric Grant MACDONALD and Maureen Theresa BOYLE.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living.

Mary MACDONALD was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Jennis Borden RHYNO. Mary MACDONALD and Jennis Borden RHYNO were married. They were divorced.

Mary Lillian MACDONALD was born in 1923 in South Lake, Prince Edward Island. She died on 13 May 2011 at the age of 88 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She was buried in the St. Gregorys Roman Catholic Church Cemetery in Liverpool.

Spouse: Charles E OICKLE. Mary Lillian MACDONALD and Charles E OICKLE were married. Children were: Living.

Maurice MACDONALD was born in 1911. He died in 1980 at the age of 69. He was buried in the Hill Crest Cemetery in Lunenburg.

Spouse: Florence Elizabeth WHYNACHT. Florence Elizabeth WHYNACHT and Maurice MACDONALD were married.

Living (private). Parents: Eric Grant MACDONALD and Maureen Theresa BOYLE.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living.

Sarah Ethel MACDONALD was born on 14 February 1904. She died on 7 February 1981 at the age of 76 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.

Spouse: Stanley Walter MCCOOMBS. Sarah Ethel MACDONALD and Stanley Walter MCCOOMBS were married.

Living (private). Parents: Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living.

Vivian Louise MACDONALD was born on 19 September 1927. She died on 30 December 2011 at the age of 84 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She was cremated.

Spouse: Warren Malcolm HENNEBERRY. Vivian Louise MACDONALD and Warren Malcolm HENNEBERRY were married on 20 January 1943 in Milton, Queens County, Nova Scotia.

Spouse: John Lorimer "Jack" QUINN. Vivian Louise MACDONALD and John Lorimer "Jack" QUINN were married.

William James MACDONALD was born on 17 September 1882. He died on 9 January 1968 at the age of 85. He was buried in the Laurel Hill Cemetery in River Head.

Spouse: Jessie Evelyn ARTHUR. Jessie Evelyn ARTHUR and William James MACDONALD were married on 30 June 1910 in Yarmouth, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia. Children were: Marion Elizabeth MACDONALD.

Living (private). Parents: Jack Walton MACDONNELL and Shirley Mae WHYNOT.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living.

Jack Walton MACDONNELL was born on 23 March 1934. He died on 28 March 2022 at the age of 88 in Yarmouth, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia. He was cremated. Jack was buried in the Greenwood Cemetery in Woods Harbour, Shelburne County, Nova Scotia.

Spouse: Shirley Mae WHYNOT. Shirley Mae WHYNOT and Jack Walton MACDONNELL were married on 8 June 1960. Children were: Living, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Jack Walton MACDONNELL and Shirley Mae WHYNOT.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

G Ruth MACGILLIVRAY was born in 1926 in Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia. She died on 21 November 2005 at the age of 79 in Bridgewater, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. She was cremated.

Spouse: Lee David CORKUM. G Ruth MACGILLIVRAY and Lee David CORKUM were married.

Mary MACGILLIVRAY was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Joseph MACPHEE. Mary MACGILLIVRAY and Joseph MACPHEE were married.

Donna MACGISIC was born on 18 July 1948. She died on 1 July 2024 at the age of 75 at South Shore Regional Hospital in Bridgewater, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. She was cremated. Donna was buried in the Maple Hill Cemetery in Voglers Cove.

Spouse: Rodger Glenwood HYNICK. Donna MACGISIC and Rodger Glenwood HYNICK were married. Children were: Living, Living.

Ethel Pearl MACGUINESS was born on 10 April 1898. She died on 24 December 1975 at the age of 77 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She was buried in the West Zion United Church Cemetery on Payzant Street in Liverpool.

Spouse: Frank Forester WOODWORTH. Ethel Pearl MACGUINESS and Frank Forester WOODWORTH were married on 2 December 1918 in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia.

John Sydney MACHARDY was born on 27 January 1899 in MacLellands Mountain, Pictou County, Nova Scotia. He died on 20 May 1986 at the age of 87.

Spouse: Myrtle Muriel (twin) ZWICKER. Myrtle Muriel (twin) ZWICKER and John Sydney MACHARDY were married on 27 November 1940.

Annie Frances MACINNES was born on 9 December 1914. She died on 7 January 1996 at the age of 81 in Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia. She was buried in the New Community Cemetery in Second Peninsula.

Spouse: Cecil Randolph STEVENS. Annie Frances MACINNES and Cecil Randolph STEVENS were married on 3 September 1934. They were divorced.

Ward Smith MACINTIRE was born on 9 December 1895 in Fryeburg,Oxford,Maine. He died on 15 April 1973 at the age of 77 in Saint Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida.

Spouse: Lola May (twin) SELIG. Lola May (twin) SELIG and Ward Smith MACINTIRE were married.

Barbara MACINTOSH was born on 6 July 1916 in Lockeport, Shelburne County, Nova Scotia. She died on 21 March 1989 at the age of 72. She was buried in the Greenwood Cemetery in Port Medway.

Spouse: Burns Wallace LLOYD. Barbara MACINTOSH and Burns Wallace LLOYD were married on 29 November 1939 in Shelburne, Shelburne County, Nova Scotia. Children were: Louise Adelaide LLOYD.

Walter Harold MACINTOSH was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Estella Blanche LEVY. Estella Blanche LEVY and Walter Harold MACINTOSH were married.

Living (private).

Spouse: Fordan Jordan BAKER. Children were: Living, Living.

Mary Amelia MACISAAC was born on 20 May 1860 in Catalone, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. She died on 28 October 1940 at the age of 80. She was buried in the Greenwood Cemetery in Port Medway.

Spouse: John Frederick WOLFE. Mary Amelia MACISAAC and John Frederick WOLFE were married. Children were: Brenda Fielding WOLFE.

Alfred Newton MACK was born in 1954 in Bridgewater, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. He died on 31 January 2025 at the age of 71 in Bridgewater, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. He was cremated.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

Spouse: Living.

Anne MACK was born on 1 January 1829 in Mill Village, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She died on 22 September 1851 at the age of 22 in Mill Village, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She was buried in the Mill Village Community Cemetery. Ann Mack's gravestone in the old cemetery at Mill Village says that she was born January 1, 1829 and died September 22, 1851 at age twenty-two years.

Spouse: John PARK. Anne MACK and John PARK were married on 3 January 1850 in Mill Village, Queens County, Nova Scotia.

Living (private). Parents: Alfred Newton MACK and Living.

Elizabeth MACK was born on 22 July 1767 in Port Medway, Queens County, Nova Scotia. She died in 1846 at the age of 79. Parents: Samuel MACK and Desire COHOON.

Spouse: William MITCHELL. Elizabeth MACK and William MITCHELL were married on 9 August 1787. Children were: William MITCHELL, James MITCHELL.

Samuel MACK was born on 15 November 1736. He died on 14 October 1783 at the age of 46. He was buried in the Old Cemetery in Port Medway. His tombstone is the oldest existing tombstone in the Old Cemetery.

Spouse: Desire COHOON. Desire COHOON and Samuel MACK were married on 25 September 1766. Children were: Elizabeth MACK.

Living (private). Parents: Alfred Newton MACK and Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living.

Spouse: Living.

Living (private). Parents: Donald Berton MACKAY and Doris May MCKINNON.

Spouse: Living.